Tuesday 11 July 2017

Saving Reading History

As we are approaching July 17 (LibrarySearch will go live), CUHK users need to save all reading history from the current system by July 12 in order to migrate the history to LibrarySearch.

To find out how to save the reading history, please visit: http://libguides.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/new-ils/save-reading-history

How o Save your Reading History

Monday 3 July 2017

Library New Resource: 中國司法檔案資料庫(江津卷)

The Library has recently acquired 中國司法檔案資料庫(江津卷)

Coverage (涵蓋)1911 - 1949
該庫收錄了江津區檔案館所藏民國時期的訴訟檔案。目前,江津區檔案館共收藏有19111949年間各類司法檔案超過24000 (包括婚姻、買賣、債務、租佃、邊界、税收、財產、盜竊、妨害行使權利、妨害家庭等檔案)

This database contains judicial records from the Jiangjin District Archives during the period of the Republic of China. At present, the Jiangjin District Archives has a collection of various types of judicial records and cases from 1911-1949, totaling more than 24000 volumes (including marriage, sale, debt, tenancy, border control, tax, property, theft, obstruction of the right to exercise and family matters etc).

中國司法檔案資料庫(江津卷) on A-Z Database: Law

中國司法檔案資料庫(江津卷) Interface